James Zimmer

Animals are awesome! What did she do to my hair?!? Oh - Gypsy Rose is not my coatimundi but she is so cool!


A writers timeline


I have always had a profound love for reading and writing. My interest in book subjects primarily spans fantasy/adventure and science fiction but also extends into technical science. Some of my favorite writers are Robert E Howard, JRR Tolkien, Joe Haldeman and Robert Heinlein. Of the things I love about the genres of fantasy/adventure and science fiction are the seemingly limitless worlds that are created. I loved to read so much I had a 2-4 novel a week lifestyle and sleep was of little interest: there were maidens, dragons and world’s to visit after all! I was a regular at the local book store and I still have all my books.

During a time in music I enjoyed writing lyrics and songs. I am a trained vocalist. I have written poetry and some short stories. I tend to think in verse which makes rhyme schemes generally come naturally. I left the music scene for the science profession and have worked in science and research for some 20 years. The heights of this career involved the creativity cultivated along the way. The molecular world is in itself creation and creativity.

Eventually worlds would collide and in a restaurant my daughter asked a question: “Daddy, why is the rabbit the animal that takes care of Easter?” This led to a series of questions of different animals and answers why they had their problems over which we laughed the afternoon away. The final creation of “I Dreamt Somebunny Else Brought Easter Joy” was a few years in the making. There is more than enough material to make a sequel.

I intend on writing other books, short stories and poetry. I would enjoy performing and music again.

I am interested in copyright work particularly in finance. I have been investing and trading for over 20 years and have a solid knowledge of technical analysis, stocks and options.


Some scribble before typing… first thoughts

She just loves water!

Proud of Alyssa: who started it all.